Lukas Erzett SLTT Metal Backed, Wedge Flap Disc, Coated Zirconia for Stainless 5" x 7/8" Grit 40 (50 Quantity) A27201250400045
SLTT - for the highest chip removal
Metal back helps remove heat
Coated Zirconia to last longer on stainless steel
Due to wedge shape more than 70 Percent of the total abrasive material is located on the outer perimeter.
Up to 6 layers of abrasive material
No glazing or heat generation
Equally efficient for both edge and surface applications
Iron-sulphur-chlorine free
Areas of application:
Removing weld seams
Fine finishing
Rust removal
Exceptional stock removal
Enormous tool life
Strong steel backing plate
Less Vibration